Negima! Wiki
Iovis Tempestas Fulguriens
Jovia 2
Kanji 雷の暴風 (ヨウィス・テンペスタース・フルグリエンス)
Romaji Yowisu Tenpesutāsu Furuguriensu
English Jupiter's Lightning Storm
Latin Iovis Tempestas Fulguriens
Debut (Manga) Chapter 25
Debut (Anime) Episode 21
User(s) Negi Springfield
Yue Ayase

Iovis Tempestas Fulguriens is an attack spell which combines the elements of wind and lightning into a directed storm teeming with lightning.


Veniant spiritus aerialis fulgurientes!
Cum fulguriationis flet tempestas austrina…

Iovis Tempestas Fulguriens!

来れ雷精 (ウェニアント・スピーリトゥス) 風の精 (アエリアーレス・フルグリエンテース)
雷を纏いて (クム・フルグラティオーニ) 吹きすさべ (フレット・テンペスタース) 南洋の嵐 (アウストリーナ)

雷の暴風 (ヨウィス・テンペスタース・フルグリエンス)

Wenianto Supīritusu Aeriāresu Furugurientēsu
Kumu Furuguratiōni Furetto Tenpesutāsu Ausutorīna

Yowisu Tenpesutāsu Furuguriensu

Come, spirits of air and lightning!
Let the Southern Storm Blow With Lightning.

Jupiter's Lightning Storm!


Iuppiter (Jupiter, vocative form Iove, genitive form Iovis) Capitolinus was the Roman god of weather, lightning and storms, and presided over the Roman pantheon. The fact that the spell invokes the southern Wind reflects the pre-Greece-Conquest habit of Roman augurs and priests to face south while praying, having the rising sun thus to their left (thus considered fortunate); also, in Italy, southern winds are bringers of lightning tempests with heavy rain.
