Negima! Wiki
Evocatio valcyriarum
English Summon
Debut (Manga) Chapter 17
User(s) Negi

Evocatio (Evoke/Summon) is a western spell used to directly summon spirits to aid the user in battle, as opposed to calling upon their powers to fight with magical attacks. While Eastern mages utilize talismans in order to summon spirits to assist them, Western mages can use magic to summon spirits to aid in battle as well. This spell evokes, summons elemental spirits that serve the caster, and can be directed to attack or capture an enemy.


Valkyries are the Spirits of Wind. This version summons the spirits in the form of the user. The spirits wield bladed weapons of wind. They can be direct to attack or capture.


Evocatio valcyriarum, contubernalia gladiaria

[Age Capiant.] [Contra Pugnent.]

I summon the Valkyries, Sword-wielding Sisters of Battle!

[Go forth and capture.] [Confront and Attack.]

Deadly Valkyries[]

Deadly Valkyries

Deadly Valkyries

This version summons the wind spirits in the actual form of Valkyries. They are long haired female warrior with a winged breast plate and carrying shields and lances.


Evocatio Spiritualis de Septendecim Valcyriis Mortiferis.

I summon the Spirits of 17 Deadly Valkyries.




This version summons Fire spirits in a nonhuman shape. They appear to be more fairy-like with their wings. The arms become lance-like and are used as weapons to attack their foes.


Evocatio Spiritualis de Undetriginta Salamandris Lanciferis/

I summon the Spirits of 29 Lance-Wielding Salamanders.
